Year 6 Open Evening – Thursday 26th September 2024

Welcome to our Year 7 Transition page. This is where we will post information, letters and guidance related to this year’s transition.

We look forward to welcoming a new cohort of Year 7 students this September but we appreciate transition can be an anxious time for both students and parents. To help with any worries, please find time to view the programme for the transition days and access the virtual tour of the school to familiarise yourself with the Wilsthorpe campus.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming all of our new Year 7 children to Wilsthorpe for 2 transition days on Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th July. Please click below for the programme for these 2 days

Following a two day visit in May, Wilsthorpe was rated ‘good’ by OFSTED. Wilsthorpe was described as a ‘’vibrant school’’ where ‘’pupils feel safe’’ and ‘’personal development is exceptional’’ that ‘’prepares them well for life in modern society’’. Please take time to read the full report below.

Wilsthorpe OFSTED Report 2023

At Wilsthorpe School, we pride ourselves on our use of employability standards. By prioritising students’ punctuality, organisation, uniform and equipment, on-task focus in lessons and their ability to respond positively to challenging situations we enhance students’ development and their impact on wider society. This starts with our ‘Ready to Learn’ checks during tutor time. Our uniform list and equipment list can be found in the family handbook. You will be sent an updated version of the family handbook during the school holidays. School uniform can be purchased from Uniformality and Morley’s.

Over the course of Year 7, your child will have the opportunity to engage in a wealth of opportunities and experiences, both inside and outside of school. These can be found on our Enrichment page and School Calendar, alongside key dates for parents.

During primary school visits, Mrs Meir and Mr Redfern have noted students’ great excitement at being able to try the school dinners at Wilsthorpe. We are proud to be partners with Aspens catering company, who deliver a wide range of nutritious and healthy options that cater for all dietary requirements. More information can be found by clicking here.

All monetary transactions at Wilsthorpe School are completed by using the ParentPay app which offers a convenient, safe and trusted platform which makes online payments easier for everyone. Parents and carers will need to download this app.

Parent Pay App Information

Communication is an essential part of the Wilsthorpe culture to ensure that parents, students and teachers stay connected. We use the MyEd app to keep information simple and direct and in your pocket. To view further information on the MyEd app, please see below. For further updates, pictures and news alerts, we have an active Twitter and Facebook page that allows parents and carers to stay connected. Additionally, we have our half termly e-newsletter, ‘The Wilsthorpe Way’, to update families about what is coming up soon, so that you feel informed and prepared for the term ahead.

MyEd App

Year 6 Transition – FAQs