Every child is unique in terms of their interests, abilities, motivation and learning needs. At Wilsthorpe we take into account these wide individual characteristics, and we try to ensure that those with exceptional learning needs and/or disabilities are fully included and have access to high quality and appropriate education. We believe that every child should be given the opportunity to achieve their potential in learning. Students with special educational needs (SEN) are fully included in all aspects of school life. 

Wilsthorpe’s dedicated SEND team are: 

Ms Faith Pickering– SENCO  faith.pickering@wilsthorpe.ttct.co.uk   

Ms K Devlin – Team Leader for SEND students – kylie.devlin@wilsthorpe.ttct.co.uk 

Mr B Meir – Additional Educational Needs teacher – ben.meir@wilsthorpe.ttct.co.uk 

Mr S Mellors – Inclusion Lead

Mrs H Scott – Deputy Headteacher

​We also have a team of highly trained and qualified Teaching Assistants who help the students in a variety of learning situations, provide in-class support and act as key-workers. 


When students arrive at Wilsthorpe they are initially tested to give us their base or starting level. This assessment also identifies students who may need extra input or support to access the curriculum. 

​Students with identified learning difficulties receive extra help which can be: 

  • “In-class” support, allowing students to access the curriculum alongside their peers. 
  • Individual withdrawal, working on a one-to-one basis. 
  • In small groups, for catch-up work in literacy, numeracy skills, social behaviour etc… 

Progress is continually monitored and appropriate individual development goals are set. 

The Hub 

In ‘The Hub’, students receive small group and individual support for literacy, learning, behaviour and emotional needs. This is staffed at registration, break-time and lunchtime and students are encouraged to be active in seeking help and support at any time during the school day.  The support staff also hold Homework clubs to support students with day-to-day tasks. 

Special Consideration 

Students with learning difficulties are tested and some will have help to access their exams. Students may have the opportunity to use the support of a reader and/or scribe or extra time. Those who qualify for special concessions work closely with staff to practise and gain experience to get maximum benefit in their final examinations. 

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