Welcome from the Chair of Governors.
I have once again had a very busy year as Chair which has seen me going into school regularly to meet with the Head Teacher and other members of staff, from the SLT to the teachers in the classroom as well as meeting parents and students.
The Board is ever evolving and in the coming year we look forward to welcoming new governors from all walks of life so if you are curious about the role of a parent governor, then please get in touch.
With school now functioning as normal, we have had two Challenge Days, a new development for Governors where the whole Board is invited into school to observe it in action. We enjoy experiencing lessons in action and are delighted to pick up on how eager our students are to share their knowledge with us when we wander into their lessons. We also use this opportunity to question staff about how teaching is managed on a daily basis, such as how all students can be encouraged to achieve highly in lessons. One of the best things about our Challenge Days are that we get the opportunity to talk to the students and find out what they enjoy the most and what issues and concerns, if any, they may have. These days also allow us to find out about the other departments within the school that help our students to achieve their goals: for example, the Welfare Team and the SEND team.
I personally have had the opportunity to experience a very full two days whilst the Ofsted Inspector visited and agreed that we had maintained our ‘Good School’ status, with the staff and students all contributing towards showing the school at its best.
Towards the end of the school year, it was a pleasure to be able to present the students with their well-deserved awards on Awards Evening, to watch their months of hard work come to fruition when they performed this year’s Musical ‘Guys and Dolls’ and yet again, our students are also achieving greatly on the sports field.
Going into September, we once again see a full roll as we continue to be the school of choice locally. Our Sixth Form is also growing, and we will be able to see over the coming year the new building taking shape. This will provide a new welcome space for our Sixth Form, providing a little independence from the main school and will also house our new Sports Hall, a long-awaited addition to the new main school.
Being part of The Two Counties Trust offers the Governing Board the opportunity to work with colleagues in the other schools within the Trust, sharing ideas and expertise to ensure that all students within the Trust have the opportunity to experience Excellence in Learning.
Finally, I look forward to working with the other members of the Board and with the school over the next academic year as we collaborate to continue the school’s journey of growth, ensuring all our students are able to be the best they can be.
Whilst the Board has a strategic role it would not be appropriate to get involved in either the day to day running of the school or about specific staff or student issues. These are best dealt with by the school. However, should the need arise to contact the Board this is best done through the ClerkTo.Governors@wilsthorpe.ttct.co.uk
Gill Cort
Chair of Governors
Wilsthorpe School