Literacy covers the three key aspects of communication: reading, writing, and speaking/listening. Mastering these skills is not only essential for life (employers believe communication skills are the most important), but will also ensure the full curriculum can be accessed and success achieved in all subjects. At Wilsthorpe, we take a cross-curricular approach to literacy. All staff receive regular training and we have lots of whole-school programmes and initiatives to promote and improve literacy.

Literacy And Reading At Wilsthorpe

Workbooks and guides are available to purchase for your child through ParentPay from only £3.15 each.

We believe it is vital for every child to ‘find their voice’: for success in education and the wider world. Successful speakers understand how to be polite and respectful, actively listen and articulate themselves, as well adapt their speaking for different audiences and purposes. Being able to scrutinise and develop ideas are just as important in speech as they are in writing. In lessons, we use the ABC Discussion model and remind our students how to speak to others appropriately and effectively.

Parents may wish to follow the ‘Talk with TRUST’ model when speaking to your child:

  • Take turns to talk
  • Recap ideas
  • Use lots of encouragement
  • Share and talk about experiences
  • Tune-in and be interested

Please explicitly discuss speaking with your child – explain and model successful communication to them. Help them to prepare and practice for spoken interviews and presentations.

An example of ‘Talk with TRUST’
ABC Discussion Model
Effective Speaking And Listening

As long as handwriting is legible, priority should be given to the speed of writing over neatness. Not getting enough down on the page within time limits can be a barrier to success. If your child does need to make their writing more legible, there is a booklet available to download and print.

Handwriting Support Booklet

Literacy Leaders are a group of Wilsthorpe students who aim to promote literacy across the school. The Literacy Leaders meet in Room 102 during Monday lunchtimes. New members of any age and ability are welcome – this is a rewarding opportunity to help others and enhance CVs.