We believe that homework is an essential part of learning that contributes significantly to raising achievement. We have carefully designed a homework model that builds knowledge and skills across each year group, from Year 7-13, to ensure that students are developing effective study habits and taking responsibility for their own learning, whilst subject knowledge is extended beyond that covered in class and is fluent and secure.

We hope that this homework model will help our students to develop effective study habits and increased independence in learning, whilst providing certainty for students and their families in regards to the setting and submission of homework.

We know that the success of any school system relies on the support of families so we ask our parents and carers to encourage their children to complete homework to ensure we are working together to enable children to ‘be the best they can be’ during their time at Wilsthorpe School.

For students in Years 7, 8 and 9, students will be set homework every week as shown in the table below:

  • Maths, English and Science will each set 40 minutes of homework every week on the online platform shown in the table above. Students log in to all of the above online homework platforms using their school email address and password. All online platforms can be accessed either on a PC, laptop, tablet, mobile phone or games console. In the first two weeks of term in September, class teachers will show students how to access these platforms. All platforms are accessible via the quick links tab at the top of the main page on the school website:
  • In addition, students must also complete a minimum of 15 mins reading every night using their reading book. This should be logged on the reading log in the student handbook. This will be checked during the students’ library lessons.
  • Three positive points will be awarded for the successful completion of homework. A negative point and an after-school correction will be awarded for failure to complete homework. These will be logged on ClassCharts. The correction will be set for the day the homework was due i.e. Tuesday for Maths, Wednesday for Science and Thursday for English. A grace period will be given until October half term whilst students are getting used to the new system. During this time, missed homework will result in a correctional conversation. After October half term, a same-day 30 minute after-school correction will automatically be issued for missed homework.
  • The library is available every day after school until 4pm to allow students to be able to access computers to support with the completion of homework.
  • A reminder of which online platform to use for Maths, English and Science homework will be posted under the ‘Classwork’ tab on students’ class team on Microsoft Teams.
  • For all other subjects studied, we want students to develop a love for the subject and to further their understanding of the subject beyond that which is taught in classroom. Each of these subjects will run subject specific enrichment sessions each week to broaden students’ knowledge and skills. These enrichment sessions will be posted under the ‘Classwork’ tab on a students’ class team on Microsoft Teams.
  • Students will receive positive points for attending these enrichment sessions.
  • Students will be set a minimum of 1 piece of homework each week for every subject.
  • Homework tasks and dates for submission are posted under the ‘Assignments’ tab on the students’ class team on Microsoft Teams.
  • Students are also expected to complete a minimum of 15 minutes reading every night using their reading book. This should be logged on the reading log in the student handbook. This will be checked by their form tutor.
  • Students will be awarded positive points for the successful completion of homework. A negative point and a 30 minute after-school correction will be issued for the non-completion of homework. These will be logged on ClassCharts.
  • Students in Years 12 and 13 will be set approximately 60 minutes of homework and independent study for every 1 hour lesson completed in Sixth Form.
  • Homework tasks and dates for submission are posted under the ‘Assignments’ tab on the students’ class team on Microsoft Teams.
  • Students will be awarded a positive for the successful completion of homework, this will be logged on ClassCharts as a ‘Sixth Form success’. Non-completion of homework will be logged on ClassCharts as a ‘Sixth Form concern’ and staff will either arrange a time for the student to come and complete the work or set a new submission date.

To make it easier for students to check on Microsoft Teams what homework they have, students can access Microsoft Teams via the quick links tab at the top of the main page on the school website: